Please be advised that our offices will be closed on Heritage Day for emergency please contact the following personnel:- Brian Robertson – +27 (0) 834129133 Neil Robertson – +27 (0) 834129144 Business as usual will resume on Tuesday 25th September. Enjoy a safe and blessed long weekend! Management and staff Robertson Freight International
Author: admin_robertsonfreight
Rhodanthe Demi Africa
Joining the crew of a functioning C & F company was a dream comes true for Rhodanthe. She joined the company in August 2013, after successfully graduating after completing many courses related to the industry.
Michelle Steer
Michelle brings with her a wealth of experience in her field, to the business. The Management is very impressed with her capabilities and feels that she has potential to excel to great heights within the fold.
Kim Robertson-Van Wyk
Kim is Brian & Cheryl's youngest daughter and has been with the company since the outset. Kim has filtered into the "front-line," and has an outstanding ability to efficiently handle and manage the fast-paced workings of our accounts department. She understands the importance of the support required in the pursuit for ultimate customer service.
Cheryl Robertson
Cheryl ensures the entire process is excellently managed and accounted for, financially and administratively. Her wealth of experience in this area forms the basis of the company's approach in the understanding that shipping is a Financial Service and not just an Administrative Service. Her accounting systems and procedures assist in ensuring efficient service delivery and at the end of the day, a happier you.
Mia Robertson-February
The door lady to service excellence, Mia has extensive experience in Shipping and her attention to detail and ability to be an all-round problem solver makes her an invaluable asset ...
Lyle Robertson
Lyle joined the family-fold, to gain experience in the Import-side of the business to contribute to his experience in the Marketing and Service industries. Thus far, he has exceeded all expectations and is becoming a seasoned member of the business.
Neil Robertson
Neil has earned the respect of a vast network in the Shipping Industry with his light-hearted, but effective approach. He draws on 25 years of experience with 2 Shipping Companies, both within which he was elevated to higher levels of responsibility.
Brian Robertson
A clear and thorough understanding of the Shipping Industry, gained over the past 30 years as a director of a large International Freight Forwarder of which he was co-founder, has equipped Brian with the insight to effectively deal with and give ...
Consulting Services
Sed sed ex eget augue euismod posuere non vitae orci. Quisque bibendum eu magna id egestas. Vivamus dignissim vehicula purus, a elementum enim vestibulum rutrum. Nam molestie velit eros, interdum tempor ligula aliquam nec. In ultrices libero nec sapien aliquam, non dictum metus venenatis. Mauris quis massa ut arcu tincidunt gravida. Mauris urna magna, posuere...